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eFreight, eLogistics, eCommerce, eBusiness all have one thing in common and that is the internet:
1. Hassall, K, Welsh , K, Qi ,M, (2012), “The beginnings of national e-freight portals in Australia, Asia and Europe”, International Journal of E-Business Management, Vol 5, Number 1, pp33-47, RMIT Publishing, Melbourne.
2. Hassall, K, Welsh , K, Qi ,M, (2011), “Developing an ICT Freight Portal for Victoria. A Possible precursor to a national e-freight portal in Victoria”, Proceedings European e-freight conference, Munich, Germany.
3. Toh, K, Hassall K, Welsh K, (2010) “A Collaboration Service Model for a Global Port Cluster” International Journal of Engineering Business Management, Volume 2, No. 1, pp29-34
4. Hassall, K (2008), “e-Logistics: The slowly evolving platform underpinning e-Business” International Encyclopedia of Computing and Informatics, Publisher Ideas Group Inc US
5. Hassall, K , Welsh, K (2007), “Hosting Portals on an e-Marketplace,” Edited Arthur Tatnall, Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies, Publisher Ideas Group Inc US
6. Welsh, K , Hassall, K , (2007), “Portal Models and Applications in Commodity Based Environments,” Edited Arthur Tatnall, Encyclopedia of Portal Technologies, Publisher Ideas Group Inc US
7. Welsh, K Hassall, K , (2006),Entrepreneurship in e-Business, (Chapter 7),“The Transformation of CorProcure to a new Postal Product”. Pp 124 – 145, Edited Fang Zhao, Publisher Ideas Group Inc US.
7. Visser J, Hassall K, (2005), “The Future of City Logistics: Estimating the Demand for Home Delivery in Urban Areas.” Fourth International City Logistics Conference, pp 147 – 161, Proceedings IV City Logistics Conference, Elsevier, ISBN 0 08 0447996
8. 2004, May, “An e-Market place. Can it be a new Postal Product?” for CorProcure©
9. 2003, June, “Dispelling the e-Commerce and environmental doomsday forecasts; A counter intuitive Australian case study – The Postal Network restructure, 1996 to 2000, Proceedings: 3rd Institute of City Logistics Conference, Funchal, Portugal. pp 397 – 404, Elsevier, ISBN 0 08 0442609 ®
10. 2003, July, “Delivering the Goods: The Challenge in the 21st Century of Urban Delivery”, OECD Report, OECD. Paris ® (Jointly Authored.)
11. 2003, December, “The e-Logistics Challenge for the Post Office: A Phoenix egg or an Ostrich Egg?”, Survey and Report, Universal Postal Union (United Nations), Postal Technology Branch, Berne. ® ©
12. 2001, May, “Trends and Hindrances in e-Logistics: An Australian Perspective”, for the OECD, Paris. (Invited as the Australian Representative and conference co-chair) ®
13. 2002, April, “What e-Logistics environment will a Small and Medium Enterprise expect by 2006?” For National Office of the Information Economy and DOTARS, Freight Transport Industry Action Agenda.
14. 2001, December, “The Evolution of B2C”, Vol 10, No 6, pp 55 – 57, Supply Chain Review, PSA, Brisbane.
15. 2001, August, “The ABC of B2B and B2C”, Supply Chain Review, Vol 10, No 4, pp 42 – 47. PSA Brisbane.
16. 2000, August, “The B2C revolution”, Supply Chain Review, Vol 9, No 4, pp 41 – 44. PSA Brisbane.